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The Mission of Loving My Veteran is to provide support, education, and resources to Veteran Families, empowering them to build happier, healthy lives.

What We Offer

Loving My Veteran is on a mission...

Statistics show:


  • High divorce rate - Over 65% of marriages to Veterans fail.

  • Secondary PTSD in spouses - Half of the spouses of Veterans with PTSD show at least 6 signs of secondary PTSD.

  • Impact on children - Children of Veterans with PTSD and/or TBI are at an increased risk of social and behavioral problems.

  • Addictions - 1 in 10 Veterans were diagnosed with substance abuse disorders since the Gulf War era.  This number is only reflective of Veterans who have reached out for help.

  • Homelessness - Approximately 500,000 U.S. veterans are homeless at some point through the year. 1.4 Million Veterans and their families are at risk of being homeless during the next 30 days.

  • Suicide - Veterans are dying by suicide at a rate higher than the average population.


Loving My Veteran provides resources and guidance for families that encourages thinking outside of the box, prioritizing self-care, and education on the overall health and wellbeing of the veteran and their family. Loving My Veteran is committed to making sure that Veterans and their families no longer feel disposable.  


We are committed to be their voice and fight alongside those who fought for us.


Click here to view our Mission and Impact Statement

Events, Classes and More

Register Now - Family Retreat 2024 Spaces are Filling Up Fast


Eco-Friendly Design

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Check Out Our Latest Blog for More info & Tools

Regularly Scheduled Events to Get Plugged In

Walking In My Shoes Mon - Fri 9:00 AM on Facebook Live


Tuesday 8:00 PM/ET - Boot Camp via Zoom


Wednesday 10:00 AM/ET - Coffee and Conversation via zoom



Loving My Veteran 

Filling The Gap

LVM Community Member

" I was at the end of my rope. I had no-one who understood. Y'all saved my marriage"

LVM Community Member

"Thank you for all you and your team do to help those of us who want to learn, change and put into practice the information and tools that you provide. You are saving families and lives"

LVM Community Member

" When I found LVM I felt completely alone in my journey with struggles only those intros community can understand. The resources I have found here has been invaluable."
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Ways to Support

If you would like to support our mission in helping us reach and support as many veteran families as possible, please consider donating through our link below. 

Another way to support is by downloading the app below and use it to shop at your favorite stores. It has no additional cost to you, these merchants will send us a percentage of purchases made through this link. 

Thank you so much for your generosity. We could not continue to do this important work without your support!

Our Community

The Loving My Veteran community is diverse, inclusive and as varied as the veterans who served. Loving My Veteran is more than a support group, we are a community that welcomes veterans and their families from all eras and branches of service. Spouses, loved ones and family members range from those who just started dating, those who have been married for over 20 years and everything in between.

Spouse & Family

​Being a loved one or a family member of a Veteran can be challenging. The journey can be difficult to navigate. Families often find themselves alone with limited or no support, leaving them feeling anger, depression, anxiety and resentment. Loving My Veteran is committed to change that by giving you the tools you need to help you along the way. We support you along your journey so that you don’t have to walk this path alone.

tools and

Loving My Veteran is committed to providing Veterans and their families with the tools and education to build healthy, happy, loving relationships.  This includes a daily video series, Walking In My Shoes, where Stacy DeMouth shares her experiences and helps Veterans and families see things from each other’s perspective.  We offer numerous classes that cover  communication, managing PTSD, understanding how PTSD and TBIs are physical injuries to the brain, and our acclaimed Boot Camp that helps get you started on your journey. 

knowledge is power

Loving My Veteran is committed to provide both Veterans and their families with information and resources that may make this journey a little easier.  This includes Burn Pit Exposure, Mefloquine Toxicity, Anthrax Vaccine, the truth behind PTSD, deficiencies within the VA and many more.  We provide information to alternative treatment options as well. Loving My Veteran believes that the best way to make a decision is to make an informed decision and we encourage all veterans and their families to look at all the options to make a decision that is best for them.

You Are Not Alone - Reach Out - Join Our Community

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Loving My Veteran provides support, education and advocacy for Veterans and their families.  


We believe that the key to building a happy, healthy, loving relationship comes from the ability to see things from each other’s perspective. We empower veterans' families by teaching them how to communicate effectively and supporting them while they navigate the challenges of veteran mental health and physical health while staying healthy as a family doing so.   


We aim to fill the gap of support that is contributing to the alarming numbers of struggles that veterans and their loved ones are battling daily.

Loving My Veteran is a registered 501 C3  ID Number 85-3896951


 Mission is to Empower, Educate and Support Veterans and their families.  Your donation will help support the Mission.

Contact Us

​Telephone : ​912-659-0193

Email :


© 2023 by Loving My Veteran and Walking In My Shoes. Proudly created with

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